About us
Refuweegee was set up by Selina Hales in December 2015 to provide a warm welcome to forcibly displaced people arriving in Glasgow. As a result of the amazing response from people in Glasgow and beyond, we have provided over 10,000 community-built, personal welcome packs and emergency support packs to people all over Glasgow and across Scotland.
Our aim is to enable the existing community in extending the friendly welcome that Glasgow is world renowned for*. We do this through our welcome packs, our events and our volunteer opportunities. We try to provide everyone who wishes to get involved with an opportunity to do so; be it through writing a letter, donating essential items, joining us at an event or fundraising.
We work with multiple organisations around Scotland, from our partners who distribute welcome packs through to schools and community organisations looking to do something similar in their area. We love hearing from other individuals, organisations, groups and projects and collaborating wherever we can on the very simple objective of making the world a nicer place to live.

The Team
The Refuweegee team is made up of ten core team members.

All things

All things operations

All things digital

All things education

All things workshops and projects

All things cleanliness

All things reception

All things volunteering

All things donations

All things moving

All things moving and music

All things fundraising

All things Ukranian
Our Board
Suki Wan (Chair) • Selina Hales • Gordon Kennedy • Gerard O'Sullivan • Leona Seaton • James Osborne