The need for a Ukrainian-specific service
As a result of the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, we have seen a huge increase in the number of people through our doors. Their needs have not just been essentials like food, toiletries and clothing. With the visa system that was introduced by the UK Government specifically for Ukrainians, it quickly became apparent that tailored guidance was critical and rapid response was required due to the number of visas that were approved in such a short space of time.
The Ukrainian Information Centre (UIC) was set up and run solely by volunteers within weeks of the first arrivals to the UK. Demand quickly outgrew capacity, which is something Refuweegee has first-hand experience of. With so many people accessing our services but many requiring more specialised guidance, we are delighted to be able to offer this project a place within the Refuweegee family. We have appointed one of the founding members of the project as the Project Coordinator for Refuweegee (UKR).
At Refuweegee (UKR), recently arrived people from Ukraine can get specific support with the issues they will face when arriving in Glasgow. This can include, but is not exclusive to:
The healthcare system
The visa process
Universal Credit
There are many plans for the development of this project, including English classes, a public computer space, educational workshops and a Ukrainian library.
Updates will follow on this page, and you can join the Facebook group here.
Opening hours
Refuweegee (UKR) will be open from 10.00am - 2.00pm, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
Where to find us
Refuweegee (UKR) can be found on the fifth floor, 249 West George Street, G2 4QE.
If you have any issues finding the space, please call our office number on
0141 401 0756 and we will direct you.